Feb 28, 2012


So lacking in the posting department, yet again! Things are going well here.  We are getting ready to celebrate one very big, exciting, one year old birthday!!!  Our sunshine is taking steps on her own- walked all the way across the living room all by herself last night.  She gets more brave every day in letting go of things and just going on her own.  It is so exciting and fun to watch her learn and grow but at the same time it makes a small part of me sad.  I miss my little bundle who just wanted to snuggle, be fed, and sleep.  I look at pictures from last year when she was born, and I get all teary eyed over how fast she has grown and changed.  I love my little sunshine and honestly, every stage is fun.

The last couple of weeks have been very full.  Most recently last Thursday this is what we got to see:

Getting to watch that teensy little heart beating has got to be one of the best feelings as a parent-to-be.  Just knowing that there is life in there and it really is real, is one amazing and overwhelming feeling of love for this little one that you will not meet for seven and a half more months.

We have a busy March planned and will try to keep pics and up to date, on here.

Happy Tuesday!