Jul 15, 2011

Fourth of July weekend.

I wrote this post a week and a half ago but I keep forgetting to add the pics and publish it...so here is our belated fourth of July post.

What a weekend.  Little road trip.  The farm.  The sunshine.  The river.  A party.  Fireworks.  And a fabulous time.

Photo courtesy of Linda Foster

We got a lovely 5-day weekend which resulted in an outstanding vacation!  The weekend was spent shopping in Tri-Cities, in the boat on the Snake River, relaxing and baking at the house (to prepare for our fun 4th party), playing frisbee and bean bag toss, and roasting marshmallows (until who knows what hour of the morning).

Hannah loved the boat.  She much preferred Grandpa to continue driving the boat and forget stopping to change wakeboarders or for the rest of the boat to go for a swim, but overall she really enjoyed it.  I have to say that our $1.99 fish frisbee from target was probably one of the most worth while things I have spent money on in a long time.  It was easily dipped in the water and then held over little SweetCheeks arms, legs, and swimsuit covered belly where it would drip river water and cool her off.  She thought it was great!

Photo courtesy of Linda Foster
Photo courtesy of Linda Foster

Mom and I spent Saturday night making marshmallows for a party, and then all afternoon Sunday we baked other goodies.  I have not had so much fun in a kitchen for a long time.  It wasn't healthy stuff we were making but it was fun stuff that I had a blast with.  There were marshmallows on a stick, cake pops, mini raspberry chocolate muffins, popcorn balls, fiddlesticks, raspberry/blueberry fruit cups, and sugar cookies...can we say a sugar high??

Photo courtesy of Linda Foster

 Monday morning Mom and I got everything set up and we had ourselves one, good, ol' fashioned Fourth of July party! Nevermind that it was 9:30 in the morning and we had barely finished eating our breakfast but we had a river that was begging us to come play, and a party that needed to celebrate America's Happy Birthday, first!  There were Raspberry Italian Sodas, Root Beer, and goodies of all sorts.
Photo courtesy of Linda Foster

Photo courtesy of Linda Foster

Photo courtesy of Linda Foster

Photo courtesy of Linda Foster

After our party at home, we headed to the river- there was more wakeboarding, swimming, and a long 20-mile boat ride that took us all the way to Lions Ferry and back.

Photo Courtesy of Linda Foster

Photo courtesy of Linda Foster

The day would not have been complete without heading into the little park in town just as the sun was starting to set to watch fireworks.  What a great way to celebrate America's Birthday- it was a wonderful day!

Tuesday morning found us saying goodbye to the farm and heading for home.  Another uneventful (the way we like it) car ride and a happy homecoming to Seattle where we were pleasantly surprised to find beautiful 80 degree weather.  So just because we made it home and had lots to unpack and clean up from, it did not stop us from keeping the celebrating going- we headed to the pool with Brenda, Neil and Bryan.  Once again, Hannah was in love with the water and stayed in the chilly pool for at least 45 minutes- splashing, kicking, and floating.

Photo Courtesy of Linda Foster

Photo courtesy of Linda Foster

Can we say a filled, busy, weekend? Yes. But we can also say that it was relaxing and fun? Of course! A fantastic one!!

What did you all do for the Fourth?

Jul 7, 2011


Sometimes in motherhood/parenthood I feel like I have no clue what I am doing...I just try my best and that's all that one can do.  But I get confused. There is so much information, and not just one set of facts but conflicting sets of "facts" and info that make decisions so difficult.  So, while I may not do what another would say is the best thing to do- I have to do what I feel is the best choice for my daughter and while I know that I have made and will make tons of mistakes all we can do is give it our best shot.

Immunizing is one of those confusing, conflicting, debate-filled topics.  Help!  I've read books, scoured websites, enlisted the advice and help of family and friends but it's all so confusing and hard to know who to listen to and what the right choice to make is.  While I feel strongly that there are a lot of unnecessary interventions today, I also feel like medical advances and the amazing technology in medicine are to help us, and that either we ourselves or someone close to us that we love, would not be here today without it.

I totally understand all sides of the debate. Yes, pharmaceutical companies want to make money, there are diseases and syndromes on the rise that never use to be an issue and we don't know where they are coming from and what is causing them.  But yes, I also understand that we have eradicated many diseases such as Polio and that if it makes a come back in our country that even those who have been vaccinated will not be safe from the awful, disabling, life-changing disease because the vaccine is just enough to keep us free from it but if people stop vaccinating for it, then it can creep into our country and once there is a breakout then none of us are home free.

While I have no trouble believing and actually 100% buying into the fact that some children react terribly to different vaccines- that leave them with seizures, paralyzed, or other certain debilitating problems, I also have to look at what took place before modern medicine and the amounts of people that suffered terribly and lost their lives over things that we can protect against today.

The conclusion that I have come to for myself is that what we choose for our children is because that is what seems right to us but that doesn't mean it is right for everyone.  We will do what we think is right and let others' do what seems right for them to do.  There would be guilt on either side of the spectrum if something were to happen to your child...so we ponder, question, and wonder what's right.

So, as you may have guessed my little SweetCheeks got poked today.  But she has been one amazing trooper.  Hardly any crying, or fussing.  Just sweet little innocent smiles.  As hard as it is to watch her get poked, and suffer because she doesn't feel great- I just have to remind myself that tomorrow she won't remember and that this is the decision we made and it is what seems best for us.

What is your take?  What did you choose?  Why?
