Oct 5, 2012

It's been a while.

It has been a long, long time since I have posted anything.  Summer was crazy busy, and wonderful but ready for fall, in all its goodness, and somewhat scheduled routine.  Things don't feel like they are going to be too routine until Little Man is born and we can adjust, and settle in, though.
This is Little Man at 39 weeks
He is due to make his arrival on Wednesday but anytime would be lovely.  Feeling so ready.  Have been nesting like crazy, making sure everything stays constantly spick and span so we are ready whenever it happens (maybe it's a good thing he hasn't come yet, it is a good way to keep my house clean and organized).
Being silly

On Papa's boat

On Grandparents Day
Feeling a little silly especially today with hormones.  I try to have a normal conversation and all I can do is cry like a fool.  So irritating- "please take me seriously and all my comments as very rational while I stand here and bawl"...how ridiculous.  I hope it means my sweet little mister is about to make his debut soon!  Just in case he does, I decided that since Michael was going to wallyball tonight that Hannah and I needed a mommy and me date- our date tonight included pajamas, fuzzy socks, Curious George, some Calm tea, a bottle of warm milk, a fuzzy pink blanket, a loved bunny, and an abundance of snuggles- it was lovely, it was perfect.
Our perfect date
Because I am so far behind on posting anything, tonight is going to be a big picture post. 
At the park with Daddy and Uncle
"Woof, woof" - her greeting to any dog
Rockin' the ponytail
Walking on Alki to encourage Baby Dylan to arrive

My little secretary
The "moon, mooooon" was full and bright
Happy Weekend!!

1 comment:

  1. Well, you posted this on the 5th and little man came on the 8th...so all your nesting and your hormones really weren't too 'out of line'...ha ha. I love all the pictures you added. And you certainly had to put one of the MOON, MOOOOON...we can't forget the MOOOOOOOOON now can we???? :) :) Now Dylan can make his appearance on your blog too. You always have it so nice and have such great pictures, I love visiting it. Thanks for sharing your feelings and the wonderful pictures too. Love you...
