Jun 21, 2011


It's here! It's beautiful! It's warm! It's bright! It's Summer!

My Baby girl and I have had a slow, lazy day working on cleaning and packing.  Oh the fun of it all! :)  Headed to the pool tonight to celebrate the start of summer, the 80 degree weather, and the longest day of the year! Oh lovely beautifulness!!

Life has changed in a such a positive, amazing way since the arrival of our sweet princess.  She couldn't be a better baby.  Always content, often smiling, cooing, and making us constantly smile! She's perfect!

Last night we set yet another record...10 hours and 40 minutes of sleep....yahooo, amazingness! I feel like superwoman today with all that sleep in me :)

Looking forward to seeing all of our AK friends and family this week.

Look at the changes...whoa...slow down baby :)

The morning she was born
Week old
3 months
Love. Love. LOVE!

1 comment:

  1. Hannah is such a little sweetie pie...those sunglasses are great!!! We spent the first day of summer here in Jamestown, ND. It was in the low 70's and I was rather chilly. Not complaining because if I was in Havasu I would of been cooking at 117. You don't have to but if you care to look my blog is:
