Nov 3, 2011

Life around here.

Quick update on life around here. (Will update this post later with photos)

We always seem to be busy.  So much going on but it's all so fun! Loving this one wild, crazy, and beautiful life!!

We've spent the Saturday's, this fall, at Husky Stadium- cheering on the Dawgs! Even Hannah is becoming quite the little football fan (I guess she doesn't stand much of a chance when her dad and mom are football addicts! :)

I was fortunate enough to be able to take a week off of work, so Grammy came over and helped me clean out the ENTIRE garage.  We got it all organized and turned it into a play room.  Eventually, we want to have the ceiling finished, finish the walls with insulation, and carpet everything- but for now we have a semi-finished, completely CLEAN rec room!  I love how good it feels to have a big project like that done- now just to keep it organized.

I love throwing parties!!! There is nothing more fun than getting a bunch of cool ideas (hello pinterest and HWTM) and making up some crazy ones of your own and throwing a big bash.  Halloween this year, was no exception! My friend Abbi and I went to town...what fun!  We had more food and sweets than one could ever expect to all get eaten.  There were cobwebs hanging from every corner, and glittery pumpkins lining the counter top, orange lights and a cute banner setting the stage for some delicious goodies! We were decked out at as a cowboy, cowgirl, and very sweet cow.  Many characters showed up- we had a princess, a lion (with his parents- the witch, and the wardrobe), a witch, a bee (with her parents as the Charlotte Hornets), a purple baby (with her parents as one being blue and one being pink because pink+blue=purple), another cowboy, cowgirl, and cow family, a pirate, and a Persian rug (no that is not a typo--a serious Persian rug)! SO much fun, and neat memories made! So glad that we have some amazing people in our lives that we are lucky enough to be able to call our friends!

With Thanksgiving a few weeks away (I can't believe it), I am trying to refocus on the things I am so grateful for.  I know I need to spend more time being thankful for ALL that I do have, and less time complaining about the things I wish I had.  With that, I want to focus each post this month on things I am grateful for.  So, tonight I am thankful for amazing friends.  You know who you are- I can't live with out you, you encourage me, you make me smile, you make me laugh, you help me up when I'm down, you call me for no apparent reason except to say hello and that you are thinking about me, you understand, you love me for who I am- I don't have to pretend to be something that I am not- for everything you all are...THANK YOU!

Life is grand.  What's new with you?


  1. I am thankful for you Marianne. I love you!! Thanks for posting. I like keeping up with team gz's from afar :) xoxoxx Melissa

  2. sounds like fun!!! can't wait for pics!!!!!!! -anna-

  3. Yes, we all have more than enough to be thankful for and wonderful to be reminded! Thanks for the reminder and love the pictures. Such a neat idea. Love it!
