Nov 6, 2013

What's new?!

Hi, there.  It's been a while but I am still here.  Life is busy but it's a wonderful, crazy, amazing ride.  So here is a post to give you a little update.
Hannah is silly and very smart.  Nothing gets past her.  She remembers everything so you better not say something that you don't plan on following through with.  She says the funniest things for a two year old, "I am so impressed with Dylan for learning to walk in our house" and "soup was amazing, last night" and "you are so stinkin' cute, Mommy" and "Dylan Richard you better stop that."  Such a little grown up.  She learned to use scissors and loves to cut paper and washi tape (my whole house is decorated now).  She loves to practice "Stroller Strides" at home, dropping to do a plank at any given moment or requesting that I stop and do step ups on the stairs.  She loves singing.  If it's not one of our church hymns, or a nursery rhyme, or a Christmas song, then it is some random song about whatever that is on her mind that she makes up.  I love my Sunshine to pieces!
Dylan is very boy.  He is a monkey that likes to climb and get into everything.  He loves balls, tractors, cars, airplanes, anything that makes noise, and anything that sister is playing with.  He got the all clear from urology in August and a couple of weeks ago he got the all clear from nephrology and the dietary restrictions lifted (insert happy dance)!  By all clear I mean that things look good for now but they will monitor him into his adolescence and he will be on his medicine for at least one more year.  He loves music and is always dancing and clapping to whatever music is playing.  Loves walking, talking on the phone (especially Papa's), and his Sister.  His words include Mama, hi (which is his favorite word), bye, woof woof, and he blows kisses (which to me is saying 'I love you'!).   He's my miracle baby and I love my Little Man so much!
BabyLove is 19 weeks and growing and moving like crazy.  Love this little munchkin more than words can say.  We were a little unsure when we found out that we were pregnant of how we were going to handle three- and especially this close together, and with Dylan's health issues would it be a problem.  This one was very unexpected.  We wanted a third but planned on waiting a little longer.  Well, for one Dylan is all good now.  For two, God's timing is perfect and this munchkin was obviously meant to be.  For three, we got such a scare and after that we were so hopelessly and completely smitten.  10 weeks was our first prenatal appointment and there was not an evident heartbeat.  They said that it could be just a little early to hear it so come back in one week and we would check again.  At 11 weeks when we went back I was so confident that there would be a heartbeat and I was not concerned at all but there was still no heartbeat.  Our amazing midwife did an ultrasound and we could not see a heartbeat.  I was devastated.  They prepared me for what my body would probably go through next and if the signs I was to watch for hadn't happened they wanted to see me back in 2 days.  She also drew blood to get an HCG count.  The next day she called to say my numbers still looked very high and so that reassured her that there was a viable baby.  I went back to see her the next day and we did a stronger ultrasound and guess what we saw...the tiniest, most perfect little heart beating fast and strong.  BabyLove was there and healthy.  So relieved and in love, we realized just how much we really did need and want this sweet miracle.
We started a preschool co-op at our house, out in the garage.  Hannah and I have really enjoyed it.  I didn't realize how much I loved teaching and preschool is just perfect.  Hannah loves having her friends over every Friday for school.  It is a group of 12 kids that we are lucky to have in our co-op.  Awesome moms and kids.  Our first field trip was to the pumpkin patch.  It was a guided tour and the kids loved it!  Our next field trip is "We're Going on a Bear Hunt" play at the children's theater.  Can't wait for the kids reaction to the play.  Each month we have a "unit" that we study and this month is "Thanksgiving".  Each class the kids write something they are thankful for and we hang it up in class and then we read stories and do crafts to learn about the very first Thanksgiving and the pilgrims coming to America and the Indians help.  Their three words they learned last week were, "Mayflower", "Plymouth", and "Squanto".  It is very adorable hearing them say the words in unison.

Halloween was so much fun.  Hubby and I even dressed up this year as Sheldon and Amy.  The kids were a "fishy" and a lobster.  We partied at Uncle Brett, Auntie Leah and Baby Jess' house, with a bunch of our friends- what a hoot!
We get to find out what BabyLove is in 2 more days.  We are very excited.  The old wives tales point girl: 8 to boy: 1.  We shall see.  Neither of us care what BabyLove is as long as he/she is healthy but we do have gut feelings.  My gut says girl.  Hubby's gut says girl.  Hannah says, "it is a girl and her name is Fancy Nancy."  Dylan doesn't care...his world is about to be shaken, either way.

I will post pictures and our video of the results from our gender reveal this weekend after it takes place. 

On a side note, this Mommy is VERY excited about nonfat eggnog lattes that started a few days ago.  Keeps me awake, cheery, and in the holiday spirit. :)
Enjoying these days and remembering to be more thankful for all that we have been blessed with.  Love all of the thankfulness around me, too.
Happy Wednesday!


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